Monday, March 31, 2008

Advantages of Bluetooth Wireless Headset

In today’s busy world everyone tries to fit 24 hours of life into an 8 hour day, we are so busy with kids, jobs, spouses, deadlines and commitments. In this busy world we answer the Question, What are the advantages of having a Bluetooth wireless headset?

So, what are the advantages of having a Bluetooth wireless headset you ask?

Well the First and best advantage of a Bluetooth wireless Headset is that both of your hands are free to be of use to you at all times. Have you ever seen a person with a broken arm or no arm at all? Why limit yourself to only having one hand free as you go about your business? Think about this because this is exactly what you are doing when you talk on your cell phone without a Bluetooth wireless headset.

The second advantage of having a Bluetooth wireless headset is when you do any activity your focus is more on that activity than keeping your phone glued to your ear.

Another advantage of a Bluetooth wireless headset which is my favorite is that when you are making business (or personal) calls you are free to roam around the house or office to be more productive, if your are calling somewhere that puts you on hold (for the next available agent) without a Bluetooth you tend to sit around waiting for a extended period of time, being unproductive, but try this with a Bluetooth wireless headset. When I am at home trying to take of business I don’t just sit around on hold, now I will do whatever I can, the trash, clean, laundry, unload the dishwasher or anything else that needs to be done while I am on hold. This makes me extremely more productive in life and I never have much time so I am grateful when I can save a little, you should try this too.

The fourth advantage I can think of in owning a Bluetooth wireless headset is I seem to be more apt to call my family (sometimes I don’t know if this is good or bad) but overall this is a good thing my parents are getting older and I need to check in with them more often. I can usually accomplish this while still going about my daily business.

Another use for a Bluetooth wireless headset is, while driving it keeps your hands on the wheel and not plastered to your ear, personally I DO NOT recommend this except in emergencies, but I know many people are going to do this so at least it is safer than having one hand on the wheel, this is where my wife makes all of her phone calls on the way to work. But please remember driving is difficult enough without any distractions so the more things you try to do the more dangerous it becomes.

In this day and age of the internet and other outlets it is easier than ever to own a Bluetooth wireless hands free headset it does not matter which area of the country you live in urban or rural buying a Bluetooth is just a click away, many websites offer free shipping or discounts one site like this is my own we offer free shipping for orders over $49 and a discount for those who try to save a little more, ours is “UPS” which you enter in the checkout page of the site in the preferred customer code area, this will save you 10% off your entire order.

Another advantage of a Bluetooth wireless headset is not getting an expensive ticket, many states have current or pending laws regarding use of cellular devices while driving, if it’s illegal you will get an expensive ticket. Many states allow for hands free devices like Bluetooths. Bluetooths wireless headsets come in many styles and colors; also Bluetooths that clip on your cars visor or lay on a table are available for those who do not like to wear earpieces.

One last advantage to buying a Bluetooth wireless headset it they make Great Gifts, so if you need a gift that people will remember a Bluetooth is truly a great one. You can get most bluetooths for under $100 and many under $50. A gift like this is sure to be remembered for a long time and its so easy some web-sites offer gift wrapping (for a Fee) but the gift goes directly to the person and no hassles for you, so just sit back and take the credit,” What a country”.

In closing I hope I have answered the question: What are the advantages of owning a bluetooth wireless headset? Have a great day, and if you have any other questions on this topic feel free to e-mail me at the address on my website. Remember technology is a great thing and can save you a lot of time if used wisely so take advantage of any product that can make your quality of life better.

Bluetooth Technolgy, Infared, Electrical Devices and Their Applications

Bluetooth and with new electrical devices being produced every day, the problem of connecting things is becoming more and more complex in nature. The system that comprises computers and other electronics makes use of varieties of wires, cables, etc.

These parts will communicate through light beams, lasers, radio signals, and infrared. The problem however, is the devices and technology is often the connection between each component. Therefore, most electronic systems are not used to their full extent due to the problems and imperfections.

To help simplify things, a solution was created, the solution of Bluetooth. Bluetooth is wireless and automatic, offering users a variety of features that have simplified the art of connection. Bluetooth has revolutionized the standard methods of connecting things to enabling almost anything to be connected to a single system.

Aside from Bluetooth, there are other ways of connecting wireless devices. One example of such is the IR or infrared. Infrared allows low frequency light waves to transmit signals to another component. This technology is easy to create and the cost of putting the IR device into a system is rather low.

Infrared technology is a one to one process. Due to the limitation, you may only send signals from one device to another, similar to a television set and remote control. You can only transmit signals between the two although not with a seperate system.

Aside from the fact that these two natures of infrared are obstacles to acquiring results, these same qualities have worked in advantage to the connection. Infrared devices need to be lined up directly, meaning too little interference can occur between the transmitters and receivers.

The technology behind Bluetooth works by transmitting signals through low frequency radio signals. The path of communication is working on 2.45 GHz, which is the same frequency band used in ISM devices.

2) Bluetooth Applications

With Bluetooth being very popular with wireless, it is no wonder there are many applications available for the technology. Below, you will find the applications for Bluetooth.

a) Wireless networking between laptops and desktop computers, or desktops that are in a confined space and little bandwidth is needed.

b) Peripherals such as mice, keyboards, and printers.

c) Cell phones with Bluetooth technology have been sold in large numbers, as they are able to connect to computers, PDAs (Personal Data Assistant), and various other devices. The standard also includes the support for more powerful and longer range devices.

d) The transfer of files, images and MP3, between mobile phones.

e) Certain MP3 players and digital cameras to transfer files to and from computers.

f) Bluetooth technology headsets for smart phones and cell phones.

g) Data logging equipment that transmits data to a computer via Bluetooth technology.

h) Sony Playstation 3 and Nintendo Revolution will both use Bluetooth technology for their wireless controllers.

For Bluetooth, there are literally hundreds of different applications and devices available for you to use or purchase. As you may already know, Bluetooth is the most popular wireless technology in the world. It is very reliable, very dependable, and very hard to crack into.

There are many other applications for Bluetooth in development now, many of which plan to take the wireless age to the next level. Video game systems are using Bluetooth technology as well, for their wireless controllers. This is great news for gaming fans, as Bluetooth offers the best in wireless data transmission.

If your curious about applications for Bluetooth that are still in development, you can search on the internet. You can find all sorts of information, especially when it comes to Bluetooth. As the future arrives, you can expect Bluetooth to bring bigger and better things.

Bluetooth Technology in Mobile Phones

Phones are not merely used for calling and receiving calls. They are in recent times used for many reasons and purposes. There is a big expanding population of mobile users who goes by the additional features. It is worth to mention that this big mobile audience has been swayed by the additional features like music and bluetooth.

Every phones comes with music features that includes: Music Player supporting MP3, ACC, ACC+, eAAC+ & WMA formats, Polyphonic Ringtones (64 Voices) and MP3 Ringtones. The formats are important since it shows its compatibility. So users of the phone do not have to think about the formats the mobile would be supporting. The player can play all of the user’s favourite tracks at any time and at anywhere. There are absolutely no hassle-free functionalities in Bluetooth music phones.

There comes the bluetooth features which is again another very important feature being added in any mobile sets.

According to the technology experts, the definition of bluetooth is “Bluetooth is the name for a short-range radio frequency (RF) technology that operates at 2.4 GHz and is capable of transmitting voice and data. The effective range of Bluetooth devices is 32 feet (10 meters). Bluetooth transfers data at the rate of 1 Mbps, which is from three to eight times the average speed of parallel and serial ports, respectively.”

It is not that each and every user knows the working of Bluetooth; according to the “Bluetooth can be used to wirelessly synchronize and transfer data among devices. Bluetooth can be thought of as a cable replacement technology. Typical uses include automatically synchronizing contact and calendar information among desktop, notebook and palmtop computers without connecting cables. Bluetooth can also be used to access a network or the Internet with a notebook computer by connecting wirelessly to a cellular phone.”

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bluetooth protocols


L2CAP, which stands for Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol is used within the Bluetooth protocol stack. It passes packets to either the Host Controller Interface (HCI) or on a hostless system, directly to the Link Manager.

L2CAP's functions include:

  • Multiplexing data between different higher layer protocols.
  • Segmentation and reassembly of packets.
  • Providing one-way transmission management to a group of other bluetooth devices.
  • Quality of service (QoS) management for higher layer protocols.

L2CAP is used to communicate over the host ACL (Asynchronous Connectionless) link. Its connection is established after the ACL link has been set up.


BNEP stands for Bluetooth Network Emulation Protocol, and is used for delivering network packets on top of L2CAP. This protocol is used by the PAN (Personal Area networking) profile.


RFCOMM is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Communication. The Bluetooth protocol RFCOMM is a simple set of transport protocols, made on top of the L2CAP protocol, providing emulated RS-232 serial ports (up to sixty simultaneous connections of a bluetooth device at a time). The protocol is based on the ETSI standard TS 07.10.

RFCOMM is sometimes called Serial Port Emulation. The Bluetooth Serial Port Profile is based on this protocol.


SDAP stands for Service Discovery Application Profile. Discovers/queries device information , services,and the characteristics if the services to enable the establishment of the connection between two or more bluetooth devices


OBEX stands for Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP) profile. OBEX (abbreviation of OBject EXchange, also termed IrOBEX) is a communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of binary objects between devices. It is maintained by the Infrared Data Association but has also been adopted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group and the SyncML wing of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). One of OBEX's earliest popular applications was in the Palm III personal digital assistant. This PDA and its many successors use OBEX to exchange business cards, data, even applications.

Bluetooth Mobile Phones – Connectivity Simplified

The mobile phone industry is one of those many industries that is fast escalating the rungs of progress, courtesy of the evolving technology. Since the inception of the very first mobile phone on Earth, the industry hasn't ever looked back. Human beings are unfalteringly becoming prone to technological development, and the mobile phone industry is playing its part as a catalyst to the epidemic. Owing to this development, there is hardly any room left for fastidious consumer behaviour as all the mobile phone manufacturers are gulping a sip of the potion of technological progress to oust one another. Bluetooth technology is one of the numerous developments that has taken the mobile phone market by storm. No wonder almost every mobile phone in the market flaunts this technology today.

How does it work?

1.Bluetooth is a wireless network technology, through which you can transfer data in the form of radio waves between a Bluetooth enabled phone and computers, laptops, printers, and other compatible devices. 2.The maximum range within which data can be shared through it is 10 meters.

Why go for a Bluetooth mobile phone?

1.Bluetooth is the most hassle free network technology for data sharing between compatible devices. 2.Bluetooth allows users to share all kinds of data, such as image files, music files, video files, and text documents. 3.You can share data even on the move between mobile devices as Bluetooth runs on a wireless network technology. 4.Bluetooth technology ensures high speed and efficient sharing of data between Bluetooth enabled devices as the range of network is a meagre 10 meters.

With all these facilities available at the hands of a Bluetooth device wielder, it is hardly a surprise that Bluetooth has become such a big hit in today's world. And with technology rapidly gaining newer grounds in the mobile phone industry, Bluetooth technology may well go to higher levels of development.

Ten Benefits Of Bluetooth

Here, listed, are 10 advantages and reasons to use Bluetooth technology.
1. Wireless.
As you are probably already aware, there are many benefits and bonuses to using wireless devices. Along with improving safety as a consequence of eliminating wires once a necessity, wireless also offers you plenty of alternate advantages. If you are traveling and carrying your laptop or other wireless devices, you'll no longer need to worry unecessarily about bringing connecting cables.
2. Bluetooth is very affordable.
The technology of Bluetooth is cost-effective for companies to implement, which results in lower expenses for the company. These savings are then passed from the company on to you.
3. Bluetooth is fully automated.
Bluetooth doesn't have you set up a connection or push any buttons. When two or more devices enter a range of up to 30 feet of each other, they may certainly begin to contact each other without you having to do anything.
4. Highly Compatible .
Bluetooth is standardized wireless, meaning that a high level of compatibility among devices is guaranteed. Bluetooth will connect devices to each other, even if they aren't the same model.
5. Low interference.
Bluetooth devices invariably avoid interference from other wireless devices. Bluetooth uses a practise known as frequency hopping, and also low grade wireless signals.
6. Low power consumption.
Consequently, because of Bluetooth using low power signals, the technology requires very little energy and will use less battery or electrical power as a result. This is an excellent benefit for mobile devices, as Bluetooth won't flatten the battery.
7. Sharing voice and information.
The standard for Bluetooth will allow compatible devices to share information and voice communications. This is great for cell phones and head-sets, as Bluetooth makes it simple to be driving and talking on your cell handset.
8. Personal Network.
You can connect up to seven Bluetooth devices to each other within a range of up to 30 feet, forming a Personal Network. For a single room, you can also set up multiple Networks.
9. Upgradeable.
Upgradeable is the standard for Bluetooth. There are newer versions of Bluetooth in the works, which offer many new advantages and backward compatible with older versions.
10. The technology stays.
Bluetooth technology is a world wide, widespread wireless standard. With it now as popular as it is, you can rely on it being a standard for years to come. As more and more devices start to use Bluetooth technology, more manufacturers will be eager to make their products compatible. A chain reaction will occur, making Bluetooth the standard for cutting edge wireless.

Bluetooth Headsets

The world is changing fast and so is everything around you. For instance, the existence of a wired world seems to be history with the invention and use of many wireless technologies. One such wireless technology is the Bluetooth Technology. In this article we will cover the Bluetooth headsets, which are fast getting popular and finding extensive use in the households. The Bluetooth headphones are based on a fairly new technology that is going to eliminate the need for wires and cables.

The bluetooth technology enables a short-range communication system that costs less money to operate and gives good results on short distances. The Bluetooth headsets can be used to fit several brands of electronic equipment. The Bluetooth headsets are fairly popular to give you a wire-free experience with your music system and the sound quality is even not compromised with the use of this technology. Here are many types of Bluetooth headsets available in the market and with the best quality you can afford to buy, you are guaranteed crystal clear sound each and every time that will make your listening a pure pleasure. With the technology getting better and better with each day, you can be sure that the latest headsets from Bluetooth will only have the best and latest equipment that is available.

One of the major problems, which used to occur while using a Bluetooth headset was of the noise it generated due to the disturbance in the flow of data. Bluetooth headphones today are great about blocking out unwanted noises while you are using them. The Bluetooth headsets, which eliminate the unwanted sound, are known as noise canceling headsets and are now widely used to cancel the noise and to get the best sound quality. It is important to choose the right kind of Bluetooth headset with all the features you require. Choosing the right bluetooth stereo headphones can make enjoying your favorite music and your favorite audio a lot more pleasurable as well as a great deal more comfortable. A noise dampening blue tooth stereo headsets will keep the noises of the outside world at bay while allowing your favorite music to flow through. This noise-dampening feature is one of the most important things to look for when shopping for a quality set of bluetooth stereo headsets. This ability to reduce outside noise and block out distractions will vary from model to brand, so it is important to shop around with this important feature in mind.

There are also many other factors to consider when shopping for the best bluetooth headsets. It is necessary to remember that when it comes to wireless and Bluetooth headphones one of the most important things to consider is the effective range of the headphones. The range plays an important in the Bluetooth and can define its productivity. It is therefore very essential to look for the Bluetooth headset range and also to compare various products on this feature.

How to share ring tones using Bluetooth

There is a ring tone you have been trying to get your hands on for a long time and you hear your best friend's phone belting it out. You simply must have it. Had you experienced these cravings a few years ago, you might have had to go a through long painful, arduous process of procuring the same through some time consuming means. Or for all you know you might just have to live with the craving for a while longer till something simple and uncomplicated came along. But today, with all the technological upgradation, sharing mobile phone ring tones is so much easier. Mobile phone handsets come bundled with softwares such as Infra – red, Bluetooth, and WAP which allow for a hassle free, wireless transfer between mobile phones, computers to mobile phones, and/or the internet straightaway.

The process of sending free ringtones between mobile phones is in effect not much different from the transfer of media between mobile phones. Bluetooth is undoubtedly the more advanced and popular method of transferring ring tones from one mobile phone to another. Bluetooth is software that comes bundled with mobile phone handsets and it allows the gadgets i.e. mobile phones, and computers, to talk to each other wirelessly. It is designed for low – power wireless communication over short distances. Bluetooth devices are capable of sending and receiving information from many devices simultaneously because of their ability to communicate with each other automatically. They are a preferred choice over the Infra – red because they can function without a line of sight. Bluetooth enabled devices generally need to be within a range of 10 metres from one another, although there are some more powerful ones that can detect gadgets within a range of 20 metres as well. The fact that the Bluetooth signals are relatively weak ensures that there is non – interference in the functioning of other gadgets that may be within the stipulated range.

To transfer mobile phone free ringtones using a Bluetooth, it is important to have both the mobile phones equipped with this wireless facility. The Bluetooth must be turned on on both the phones. This can be done by going through the MENU and then to the TOOLS folder. Within this folder there would be an option to select the CONNECTIONS. It is this folder that allows access to various wireless connections that could be established using the mobile phone. Bluetooth needs to be turned on here. Both the mobile phones between which the ring tone transfer is desired need to follow this procedure. Although there are a variety of phones available and each phone will have its own navigation process, the above mentioned procedure is largely true for most of the popular mobile phone models.

Both the users need to identify each other on the network they are both commonly logged on to and click on each other's name, thereby indicating to the mobile phone to 'talk' to that particular phone selected by them. Once the Bluetooth is activated and the corresponding gadget detected, it is required to go to OPTIONS and select SEND FILE VIA BLUETOOTH. Hitting on this tab will allow the user to browse through his MEDIA or GALLERY folder and select the file i.e. the mobile phone ring tone in this case, that must be shared with the corresponding gadget. Now these two enabled devices will quickly check whether they should be talking to one another. This is done through a security code e.g. 1234 or 0000 that needs to be fed in by the person sending the ring tone. Once that is done, the user with the other mobile phone that is waiting to receive the ring tone will be asked for a security code to be able to accept the request and initiate the transfer of files. The same security code i.e. 1234 or 0000 must be fed in by this user. When the corresponding matching security code is entered, the gadgets know for sure that the data must be transferred between them and data transfer will commence. The gadgets transfer this data by creating a network and switching frequencies in unison 1600 times a second within the radio frequency band used to transmit Bluetooth data.

Once the transfer of data is complete it is important to switch off the Bluetooth to prevent any viruses being transferred to the gadget through other devices in the range. This can be done through going to the CONNECTIONS folder again and turning it off.

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology is a type of the wireless technology that eliminates the need for the number of inconvenient cables and devices that are used to connect the computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, handheld devices and new digital appliances. Bluetooth enables the users to connect to a wide variety of telecommunication and computing devices easily, without cables.

It makes rapid ad hoc connections, automatic unconscious connections between two or more digital devices. Bluetooth provides the opportunity of using the mobile data in different applications. Bluetooth makes wireless communication between the two devices in a localized area of a room of office or home very easily. Bluetooth technology uses radio-based links and all the connections between the devices and invisible and instantaneous.

By Bluetooth technology your laptop can send print request to a printer in your next room. Bluetooth is actually a standard for wireless communication between the devices in a relatively small area and it is therefore works fine in the personal area network (PAN) using radio frequency.
Any two devices that follow the Bluetooth standard can communicate with each other. A number of the Bluetooth devices like digital camera, mobile phone and handheld pc can form a network. You can send emails to your mobile phones from your laptop without any physical connect between your laptop and your mobile phones.

Features of Bluetooth technology
• Bluetooth technology uses radio waves for communication in 2.4 GHz
• It supports multipoint communication not just point to point.
• Bluetooth works in a small area of 10-15 meters.
• Bluetooth offers speed of 1-2 Mbps.
• Bluetooth chipsets are less expensive though more expensive than IrDA.

How Bluetooth Technology Works

Bluetooth is a high speed wireless link technology that uses the radio waves. It is designed to connect the mobile phones, laptops, hand held devices and portable equipments with almost no work by the end users. Unlike infrared Bluetooth does not require line of sight between the connecting units. Bluetooth technology is a modified form of the current Wireless LAN technology and it’s more acceptable for its relative small size and low cost.

The current circuits are contained on a circuit board of 0.9 cm square and a much smaller single chip version is in development and soon it will be in use. The cost of the Bluetooth device is expected to fall rapidly. Bluetooth chip has to be equipped in many devices. In Bluetooth technology, small and inexpensive transceivers have been placed in the digital devices. The radio waves operate at 2.45 Ghz band on the Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth supports the data speed up to 721 Kbps and 3 voice channels. The Bluetooth chip can either be built into the devices or it can be uses as an adapter. In computer it can be used with the USB port. Each Bluetooth device has a 48 bit address from the IEEE 802 standards and the Bluetooth connections can be either point to point or multipoint. Bluetooth range is 10 meter but it can be extended up to 100 meters by increasing the power.

Bluetooth devices are protected from the external interference because they change their frequency up to 1600 times in a second. Bluetooth radio technology provides the bridge between the existing data network. Bluetooth guarantees security at the bit level and the authentication is controlled by the end user by using 128 bit key. An important face of the Bluetooth technology is that it instantly forms a network when two or more devices come closer in the range of each other.

Bluetooth Technology Benefits

Bluetooth technology is a convenient choice of communication in a wire free, short range environment. Bluetooth is a globally available standard for connecting the devices like mobile phones, digital cameras, laptops, MP3 Players, cars, stereo headsets etc. Bluetooth enable devices do not need to install any drivers. The key benefits of the Bluetooth wireless technology are its built-in-security, low cost, easy of use, robustness, and ad hoc networking capabilities.

The Bluetooth wireless technology is available globally. Many manufactures from the different companies are busy to implement the technology in their products. Bluetooth technology operates in the 2.4 Ghz, one of the unlicensed, industrial and scientific radio band. Bluetooth technology is a free of charge service but your mobile phones set should support the GSM and CDMA technology.

Today mobile phones have built in capabilities and Bluetooth functionalities in them. Bluetooth technology is available in the different range of the devices like mobile phones, automobiles, medical devices, industries and enterprises etc.

Due to the key features of the Bluetooth technology like low power consumption, low cost and wireless features make it more popular. Bluetooth technology does not require any fixed infrastructure and it is very simple to install and setup.

No wires are required to connect the Bluetooth devices. You can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices anytime if they come in your range. Bluetooth wireless technology is widely supported and is secure wireless standard today. Bluetooth devices has built-in security features such as 128 bit encryption and pin code authentication when Bluetooth devices identify themselves they use the pin code when they first time connect.